
a list of presentations I have given

# Year Type Title Context Location Country
1 2024 Seminar Combining masculinizing resistance rotations and biocontrol to achieve durable suppression of potato cyst nematodes: A model Plant Pathology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
2 2024 Seminar Wearing face masks to protect oneself and/or others: Counterintuitive results from a simple epidemic model accounting for selfish and altruistic human behaviour Mathematical Biology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
3 2024 Conference Less effective but individually less costly prophylactic measures can reduce disease prevalence in a very simple epidemic model accounting for human behaviour Numerical Analysis and Modelling in Applied Sciences Gaeta Italy
4 2023 Seminar Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferences Séminaire de Modélisation Mathématique du Vivant Rennes France
5 2023 Seminar Combining masculinizing resistance rotations and biocontrol to achieve durable suppression of potato cyst nematodes: A model Plant Pathology Seminar University of Florida - Gainesville USA
6 2023 Conference Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferences Mathematical Population Dynamics Ecology and Evolution Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques - Marseille France
7 2023 Seminar Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferences NCTS Seminar on Mathematical Biology Online Taiwan
8 2022 Conference Modéliser les dynamiques épidémiques avec priming immunitaire au sein de mélanges variétaux Rencontres de la Chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité Ecole Polytechnique - Paris France
9 2022 Conference The proportion of resistant hosts in mixtures should be biased towards the resistance with the lowest breaking cost Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting Toronto - Ontario Canada
10 2022 Conference Host Diversification May Split Epidemic Spread into Two Successive Fronts Advancing at Different Speeds Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting Toronto - Ontario Canada
11 2022 Conference Optimal control of plant disease epidemics with clean seed usage Séminaire Automatique et épidémiologie Fréjus France
12 2022 Conference Host Diversification May Split Epidemic Spread into Two Successive Fronts Advancing at Different Speeds Groupe de Travail BioMaths Normand Rouen France
13 2022 Conference Host mixtures for plant disease control: Benefits from pathogen selection and immune priming Seminario franco-argentino sobre agroecologia Universidad Nacional de Rosario Argentina
14 2022 Conference Immune priming and the limited diversity of resistance genes in host mixtures 13èmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie – Mycologie Aussois France
15 2022 Seminar Host Diversification May Split Epidemic Spread into Two Successive Fronts Advancing at Different Speeds Mathematical Biology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
16 2022 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and immune priming to minimize disease prevalence in host mixtures: two models Agricultural Food & Nutritional Science Department Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
17 2022 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Séminaire de l’UMR Interaction-Hôte-Pathogène-Environnement Online France
18 2022 Poster Host Diversification May Split Epidemic Spread into Two Successive Fronts Advancing at Different Speeds Workshop on Advances in Mathematical Ecology The Fields Institute - Toronto - Ontario Canada
19 2021 Conference Enseigner l’épidémiologie mathématique aux biologistes avec la COVID-19 Séminaire « Covid statistique et enseignement supérieur » de la Société Française de Statistiques Lyon France
20 2020 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Theoretical and Computational Epidemiology Seminar University of Cambridge UK
21 2020 Conference Coinfections by noninteracting pathogens are not independent and require new tests of interaction Mathematical Models in Evolutionary Biology Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques - Marseille France
22 2020 Conference Coinfections by noninteracting pathogens are not independent and require new tests of interaction Symposium de Modélisation et Statistique en Santé des Animaux et des Plantes Online France
23 2019 Conference Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence 17èmes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale Aussois France
24 2019 Seminar Coinfections by noninteracting pathogens are not independent and require new tests of interaction Mathematical Biology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
25 2019 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Séminaire UMR ISA Sophia-Antipolis France
26 2019 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Mathematical Biology Seminar Oregon State University - Corvallis USA
27 2018 Conference Gene-for-gene epidemic models systemic acquired resistance and the evolution of plant parasites Third Mathematical Biology Modelling Days of Besançon Besançon France
28 2018 Conference Gene-for-gene epidemic models systemic acquired resistance and the evolution of plant parasites Réunion du Réseau INRAE-MIA MEDIA Avignon France
29 2018 Conference Gene-for-gene epidemic models systemic acquired resistance and the evolution of plant parasites Eleventh European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Lisbon Portugal
30 2018 Conference Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence and slow down epidemic spread Journée Mathématiques et Agronomie de l’Agence Lebesgue Rennes France
31 2018 Conference Gene-for-gene epidemic models systemic acquired resistance and the evolution of plant parasites Atelier de Modélisation INRAE Grand-Ouest Nantes France
32 2018 Conference Gene-for-gene epidemic models seasonality and the evolution of latency in the Great Famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans 12èmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie et Mycologie Aussois France
33 2018 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Hilker Lab Meeting University of Osnabrück Germany
34 2018 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Mathematical Biology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
35 2018 Seminar Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and plant immunity to minimize disease prevalence Agricultural Food & Nutritional Science Department Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
36 2017 Conference The evolution of parasitic and mutualistic plant-virus symbioses through transmission-virulence trade-offs International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences Skukuza South Africa
37 2017 Conference The evolution of plant virus transmission pathways Atelier de Modélisation INRAE Grand-Ouest Rennes France
38 2017 Seminar Gene-for-gene epidemic models seasonality and the evolution of latency in the Great Famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans Mathematical Biology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
39 2017 Seminar Gene-for-gene epidemic models seasonality and the evolution of latency in the Great Famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans Agricultural Food & Nutritional Science Department Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
40 2017 Seminar Temporal niche differentiation of parasites sharing the same plant host: oak powdery mildew as a case study Séminaire UMR ECOBIO Rennes France
41 2016 Conference The evolution of plant virus transmission pathways Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Perpignan France
42 2016 Conference The evolution of plant virus transmission pathways Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques - Marseille France
43 2016 Conference Modelling the spread of organisms mixing sexual and asexual reproduction Journée Mathématiques et Agronomie de l’Agence Lebesgue Rennes France
44 2016 Conference Temporal niche differentiation of closely related parasite species sharing the same plant host. Oak powdery mildew as a case study Réunion du Groupe Champignons du REID Paris France
45 2016 Conference Temporal niche differentiation of closely related parasite species sharing the same plant host. Oak powdery mildew as a case study 11èmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie - Mycologie Aussois France
46 2016 Seminar Temporal niche differentiation of closely related parasite species sharing the same plant host Pôle de Protection des Plantes Saint Pierre - Reunion Island France
47 2015 Conference Dynamiques épidémiologiques de parasites qui mixent reproduction sexuée et asexuée : l’exemple des cercosporioses du bananier Second Mathematical Biology Modelling Days of Besançon Besançon France
48 2015 Conference Temporal niche differentiation of closely related parasite species sharing the same plant host. Oak powdery mildew as a case study Models in Populations Dynamics and Ecology Niterói - Rio de Janeiro Brazil
49 2015 Conference Dynamiques épidémiologiques de parasites qui mixent reproduction sexuée et asexuée : l’exemple des cercosporioses du bananier Atelier de Modélisation INRAE Grand-Ouest Nantes France
50 2015 Seminar Temporal niche differentiation of closely related parasite species sharing the same plant host Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux Bordeaux France
51 2014 Conference Mate limitation and the spread of plant pathogenic fungi Joint Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology Osaka Japan
52 2014 Conference Mate limitation recurrent epidemic outbreaks and the coexistence of sexual and asexual plant parasites Dixièmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie - Mycologie Aussois France
53 2014 Conference Mate limitation and the spread of plant pathogenic fungi Colloque National du Groupement de Recherche Invasions Biologiques Rennes France
54 2014 Poster Allee effects and the evolution of polymorphism in cyclical parthenogens NIMBioS Investigative Workshop Vectored Plant Viruses Knoxville - TN USA
55 2014 Seminar Mate finding sexual spore production and the spread of fungal plant parasites Séminaire équipe Inria Biocore Sophia Antipolis France
56 2013 Conference Parasites also have sex: consequences on host-parasite population dynamics Fourth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics Taiyuan China
57 2013 Conference Parasites also have sex: consequences on host-parasite population dynamics AARMS Mathematical Biology Workshop St John’s - NF Canada
58 2013 Conference Allee effects and the evolution of polymorphism in cyclical parthenogens Stochastic Models in Ecology Evolution and Genetics Angers France
59 2012 Conference On the evolutionary ecology of cyclically asexual plant parasites Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology Santa Maria - Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
60 2012 Conference L’évolution peut-elle conduire un parasite hétérothallique à l’extinction ? École de printemps du Réseau M3D Oléron France
61 2012 Conference L’évolution peut-elle conduire un parasite hétérothallique à l’extinction ? 9ièmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie - Mycologie Aussois France
62 2012 Conference L’évolution peut-elle conduire un parasite hétérothallique à l’extinction ? Réunion Annuelle du Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables Rennes France
63 2012 Seminar Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Lewis Lab Meeting University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
64 2011 Conference Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Niche Theory and Speciation Workshop Lake Balaton Hungary
65 2011 Conference Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Réunion du réseau ModStatSP Paris France
66 2011 Conference Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Réunion du réseau M3D Porquerolles France
67 2011 Poster Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Conférence Jacques Monod “Coévolution entre virulence parasitaire et défenses immunitaires” Roscoff France
68 2011 Poster Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Conférence Jacques Monod “Aspects évolutifs des maladies émergentes chez les animaux et chez les plantes dues à des champignons pathogènes dans le contexte des changements globaux” Roscoff France
69 2011 Seminar Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Séminaire équipe Inria Modemic Montpellier France
70 2010 Conference A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology 10 Leicester UK
71 2010 Conference Evolutionary insights from semi-discrete plant epidemic models Third Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics Bordeaux France
72 2010 Conference Sur les déterminants évolutifs de la période de latence chez Phytophthora infestans 8ièmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie - Mycologie Aussois France
73 2010 Conference Evolutionary branching of plant parasites in a periodic environment Réunion du Groupe Champignons du REID Montpellier France
74 2010 Conference Evolutionary insights from semi-discrete plant epidemic models Réunion du Réseau Mathématiques et décision pour le développement durable Roscoff France
75 2010 Conference Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites Groupe de travail Dynamique et Génétique des Populations Angers France
76 2009 Conference Virulence evolution through a latency-transmission tradeoff. Implications as to the durability of resistances in agriculture International Conference on Game Theory for Networks Istanbul Turkey
77 2009 Conference Dynamique adaptative et durabilité des résistances aux champignons phytopathogènes Réunion du Réseau Mathématiques et décision pour le développement durable Cargese - Corsica France
78 2009 Poster Can partial resistance favor inter-seasonal disease transmission? Tenth International Epidemiology Workshop Geneva - NY USA
79 2009 Seminar A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Centre for Mathematical Biology Seminar Bath UK
80 2009 Seminar A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Séminaire UMR BIOEPAR Nantes France
81 2008 Conference A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Thirteenth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications Wroclaw Poland
82 2008 Conference A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality BIRS Workshop Dynamics of Structured Populations Banff International Research Station - AB Canada
83 2008 Conference A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Workshop Adaptive Dynamics of Insect Parasitoids Paimpont France
84 2008 Conference A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Differential Equations and Applications to Mathematical Biology Le Havre France
85 2008 Seminar A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality Department of Mathematics Seminar University of Limerick Ireland
86 2007 Conference Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example GERAD Workshop on Game Theory in Energy Resources and Environment Montreal Canada
87 2007 Conference Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example PIMS International Graduate Centre in Mathematical Biology – First Research Summit Vancouver - BC Canada
88 2007 Conference Parental care as a differential game Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution Brighton UK
89 2007 Conference Découplage des équations d’Isaacs dans les jeux différentiels à deux joueurs somme non nulle. Le conflit autour des soins parentaux tel un exemple Conférence en l’honneur de Claude Lobry Saint-Louis Senegal
90 2007 Conference Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example Sixth International ISDG Workshop Rabat Morocco
91 2007 Conference Le conflit autour des soins parentaux tel un jeu différentiel Troisièmes Rencontres écologie et comportement Montpellier France
92 2007 Conference Le superparasitisme tel un jeu différentiel Réunion INRA/ECOGER Insectes Montpellier France
93 2007 Seminar Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example Séminaire équipe Inria Anubis Bordeaux France
94 2007 Seminar Le conflit autour des soins parentaux tel un jeu différentiel Séminaire Biogéosciences Université de Bourgogne - Dijon France
95 2007 Seminar Le conflit autour des soins parentaux tel un jeu différentiel Séminaire UMR BIO3P Rennes France
96 2007 Seminar Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example Séminaire équipe Inria Mere Montpellier France
97 2007 Seminar Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example Centre for Mathematical Biology Seminar University of Alberta - Edmonton Canada
98 2007 Seminar Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two player nonzero sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example Department of Mathematics Queen’s University - Kingston - ON Canada
99 2006 Conference Superparasitism as a differential game International Conference on Behavioral Ecology of Insect Parasitoids Sophia-Antipolis France
100 2006 Conference Diet Selection as a differential foraging game Joint SIAM-SMB conference on the Life Sciences Raleigh - NC USA
101 2006 Conference Diet Selection as a differential foraging game International Congress on the Applications of Mathematics Santiago Chile
102 2006 Conference La sélection de ressources telle un jeu différentiel Réunion du Réseau de recherche Corev Paris France
103 2006 Seminar Superparasitism as a differential game Theoretical Biology Group - Institute of Biology Leiden University Netherlands
104 2006 Seminar Superparasitism as a differential game Centre for Ecology and Conservation University of Exeter - Cornwall Campus UK
105 2006 Seminar Superparasitism as a differential game School of Mathematics - Centre for Behavioral Biology University of Bristol UK
106 2005 Conference Stratégies évolutivement stables d’abandon d’agrégat de ressources avec arrivées stochastiques. Réunion du réseau de recherche Corev (Modèles et théories pour le contrôle de ressources vivantes et la gestion de systèmes écologiques) Paris France
107 2005 Conference Stratégies évolutivement stables d’abandon d’agrégat de ressources. Réunion comportement et parasitisme organisée par le GDR CNRS Ecologie Comportementale Lyon France
108 2004 Seminar Optimisation dynamique et stochastique en écologie du comportement Séminaire équipe Inria Comore Sophia-Antipolis France