in reverse chronological order
- How coevolution in daily activity rhythms governs encounters between predator and preyAnimal Behaviour (2025)
- Combining Masculinizing Resistance, Rotation, and Biocontrol to Achieve Durable Suppression of the Potato Pale Cyst Nematode: A ModelEvolutionary Applications (2024)
- Selfish grower behavior can group-optimally eradicate plant diseases caused by coinfectionInternational Game Theory Review (2024)
- Imaging with spatio-temporal modelling to characterize the dynamics of plant-pathogen lesionsPLoS Computational Biology (2023)
- Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferencesJournal of Mathematical Biology (2023)
- The proportion of resistant hosts in mixtures should be biased towards the resistance with the lowest breaking costPLOS Computational Biology (2023)
- Improving sustainable crop protection using population genetics conceptsMolecular Ecology (2023)
- Host Diversification May Split Epidemic Spread into Two Successive Fronts Advancing at Different SpeedsBulletin of Mathematical Biology (2022)
- Host mixtures for plant disease control: Benefits from pathogen selection and immune primingEvolutionary Applications (2022)
- Metacommunity dynamics and the detection of species associations in co-occurrence analyses: Why patch disturbance mattersFunctional Ecology (2022)
- Coévolution des hôtes et de leurs parasites: la théorieL’immunité végétale. Editions Quae. (2021)
- Epidemiological and ecological consequences of virus manipulation of host and vector in plant virus transmissionPLoS Computational Biology (2021)
- Optimal control of plant disease epidemics with clean seed usageBulletin of Mathematical Biology (2021)
- Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and immune priming to minimize disease prevalence in host mixtures: a modelPhytopathology (2021)
- Separate seasons of infection and reproduction can lead to multi-year population cyclesJournal of Theoretical Biology (2020)
- How optimal foragers should respond to habitat changes: on the consequences of habitat conversionTheoretical Ecology (2020)
- Coinfections by noninteracting pathogens are not independent and require new tests of interactionPLoS Biology (2019)
- Assessing the effects of quantitative host resistance on the life-history traits of sporulating parasites with growing lesionsProceedings of the Royal Society B (2019)
- The ecological and evolutionary trajectory of oak powdery mildew in EuropeWildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to Data and Application. Cambridge University Press (2019)
- The evolution of parasitic and mutualistic plant–virus symbioses through transmission-virulence trade-offsVirus Research (2017)
- Modeling virus coinfection to inform management of maize lethal necrosis in KenyaPhytopathology (2017)
- Mate limitation in fungal plant parasites can lead to cyclic epidemics in perennial host populationsBulletin of Mathematical Biology (2017)
- Temporal niche differentiation of parasites sharing the same plant host: oak powdery mildew as a case studyEcosphere (2016)
- Mate finding, sexual spore production, and the spread of fungal plant parasitesBulletin of Mathematical Biology (2016)
- Adaptation to resistant hosts increases fitness on susceptible hosts in the plant parasitic nematode \textitGlobodera pallidaEcology and Evolution (2016)
- Evolution of dispersal in asexual populations: to be independent, clumped or grouped?Evolutionary Ecology (2015)
- The functional response predicts the effect of resource distribution on the optimal movement rate of consumersEcology Letters (2014)
- Simple signaling games of sexual selection (Grafen’s revisited)Journal of Mathematical Biology (2014)
- Allee effects and the evolution of polymorphism in cyclic parthenogensThe American Naturalist (2014)
- The hard life of \textirPhytophthora infestans: when trade-offs shape evolution in a biotrophic plant pathogenPlant Pathology (2013)
- From elaborate to compact seasonal plant epidemic models and back: is competitive exclusion in the details?Theoretical Ecology (2012)
- Fitness costs associated with unnecessary virulence factors and life history traits: evolutionary insights from the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestansBMC Evolutionary Biology (2010)
- A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territorialityJournal of Mathematical Biology (2010)
- Two-by-two static, evolutionary, and dynamic gamesFrom Semantics to Computer Science: Essays in Honour of Gilles Kahn, Cambridge University Press (2009)
- Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two-player nonzero-sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an exampleAutomatica (2008)
- Foraging Under Competition: Evolutionarily Stable Patch-Leaving Strategies with Random Arrival Times. 2. Interference competition.Advances in Dynamic Game Theory, Birkhäuser, Boston (2007)
- Foraging Under Competition: Evolutionarily Stable Patch-Leaving Strategies with Random Arrival Times. 1. Scramble competition.Advances in Dynamic Game Theory, Birkhäuser, Boston (2007)
- Optimal patch time allocation for time-limited foragersBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2006)