
in reverse chronological order


  1. How coevolution in daily activity rhythms governs encounters between predator and prey
    Etienne Sirot, Thomas Benoit, and Frédéric M. Hamelin
    Animal Behaviour (2025)


  1. Combining Masculinizing Resistance, Rotation, and Biocontrol to Achieve Durable Suppression of the Potato Pale Cyst Nematode: A Model
    Israël Tankam Chedjou, Josselin Montarry, Sylvain Fournet, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Evolutionary Applications (2024)
  2. Selfish grower behavior can group-optimally eradicate plant diseases caused by coinfection
    Frank M Hilker, Lea D Kolb, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    International Game Theory Review (2024)
  3. Identifiability and Observability in Epidemiological Models
    N Cunniffe, Frédéric M Hamelin, A Iggidr, A Rapaport, and G Sallet
    BCAM Springer Briefs (2024)


  1. Imaging with spatio-temporal modelling to characterize the dynamics of plant-pathogen lesions
    Melen Leclerc, Stéphane Jumel, Frédéric M Hamelin, Rémi Treilhaud, Nicolas Parisey, and Youcef Mammeri
    PLoS Computational Biology (2023)
  2. Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferences
    Frédéric M Hamelin, Frank M Hilker, and Yves Dumont
    Journal of Mathematical Biology (2023)
  3. The proportion of resistant hosts in mixtures should be biased towards the resistance with the lowest breaking cost
    Pauline Clin, Frédéric Grognard, Didier Andrivon, Ludovic Mailleret, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    PLOS Computational Biology (2023)
  4. Emerging themes and approaches in plant virus epidemiology
    Michael J Jeger, Frédéric M Hamelin, and Nik J Cunniffe
    Phytopathology (2023)
  5. Improving sustainable crop protection using population genetics concepts
    Méline Saubin, Clémentine Louet, Lydia Bousset, Frédéric Fabre, Pascal Frey, Isabelle Fudal, Frédéric Grognard, Frédéric Hamelin, Ludovic Mailleret, Solenn Stoeckel, and  others
    Molecular Ecology (2023)


  1. How growers make decisions impacts plant disease control
    Rachel E Murray-Watson, Frédéric M Hamelin, and Nik J Cunniffe
    PLoS Computational Biology (2022)
  2. Host Diversification May Split Epidemic Spread into Two Successive Fronts Advancing at Different Speeds
    FM Hamelin, Y Mammeri, Y Aigu, SE Strelkov, and MA Lewis
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2022)
  3. Host mixtures for plant disease control: Benefits from pathogen selection and immune priming
    Pauline Clin, Frédéric Grognard, Didier Andrivon, Ludovic Mailleret, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Evolutionary Applications (2022)
  4. Metacommunity dynamics and the detection of species associations in co-occurrence analyses: Why patch disturbance matters
    Vincent Calcagno, Nik J Cunniffe, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Functional Ecology (2022)


  1. Coévolution des hôtes et de leurs parasites: la théorie
    Aurélien Tellier, and Frédéric Hamelin
    L’immunité végétale. Editions Quae. (2021)
  2. De nouvelles propriétés du pic épidémique
    Nicolas Bacaër, Frédéric Hamelin, and Hisashi Inaba
    Quadrature (2021)
  3. Epidemiological and ecological consequences of virus manipulation of host and vector in plant virus transmission
    Nik J Cunniffe, Nick P Taylor, Frédéric M Hamelin, and Michael J Jeger
    PLoS Computational Biology (2021)
  4. Optimal control of plant disease epidemics with clean seed usage
    FM Hamelin, Brady Bowen, Pierre Bernhard, and VA Bokil
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2021)
  5. Taking advantage of pathogen diversity and immune priming to minimize disease prevalence in host mixtures: a model
    Pauline Clin, Frédéric Grognard, Ludovic Mailleret, Florence Val, Didier Andrivon, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Phytopathology (2021)


  1. Separate seasons of infection and reproduction can lead to multi-year population cycles
    FM Hilker, TA Sun, LJS Allen, and FM Hamelin
    Journal of Theoretical Biology (2020)
  2. How optimal foragers should respond to habitat changes: on the consequences of habitat conversion
    Vincent Calcagno, Frédéric Hamelin, Ludovic Mailleret, and Frédéric Grognard
    Theoretical Ecology (2020)


  1. Modelling vector transmission and epidemiology of co-infecting plant viruses
    Linda JS Allen, Vrushali A Bokil, Nik J Cunniffe, Frédéric M Hamelin, Frank M Hilker, and Michael J Jeger
    Viruses (2019)
  2. Coinfections by noninteracting pathogens are not independent and require new tests of interaction
    Frédéric M Hamelin, Linda JS Allen, Vrushali A Bokil, Louis J Gross, Frank M Hilker, Michael J Jeger, Carrie A Manore, Alison G Power, Megan A Rúa, and Nik J Cunniffe
    PLoS Biology (2019)
  3. Assessing the effects of quantitative host resistance on the life-history traits of sporulating parasites with growing lesions
    Melen Leclerc, Julie AJ Clément, Didier Andrivon, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2019)
  4. The ecological and evolutionary trajectory of oak powdery mildew in Europe
    Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau, Frédéric Hamelin, and Benoit Marçais
    Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to Data and Application. Cambridge University Press (2019)


  1. The evolution of parasitic and mutualistic plant–virus symbioses through transmission-virulence trade-offs
    Frédéric M Hamelin, Frank M Hilker, T Anthony Sun, Michael J Jeger, M Reza Hajimorad, Linda JS Allen, and Holly R Prendeville
    Virus Research (2017)
  2. Modeling virus coinfection to inform management of maize lethal necrosis in Kenya
    Frank M Hilker, Linda JS Allen, Vrushali A Bokil, Cheryl J Briggs, Zhilan Feng, Karen A Garrett, Louis J Gross, Frédéric M Hamelin, Michael J Jeger, Carrie A Manore, and  others
    Phytopathology (2017)
  3. Mate limitation in fungal plant parasites can lead to cyclic epidemics in perennial host populations
    Virginie Ravigné, Valérie Lemesle, Alicia Walter, Ludovic Mailleret, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2017)


  1. Temporal niche differentiation of parasites sharing the same plant host: oak powdery mildew as a case study
    Frédéric M Hamelin, Anne Bisson, Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau, Frédéric Fabre, and Ludovic Mailleret
    Ecosphere (2016)
  2. Mate finding, sexual spore production, and the spread of fungal plant parasites
    Frédéric M Hamelin, François Castella, Valentin Doli, Benoı̂t Marçais, Virginie Ravigné, and Mark A Lewis
    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2016)
  3. Adaptation to resistant hosts increases fitness on susceptible hosts in the plant parasitic nematode \textitGlobodera pallida
    Sylvain Fournet, Delphine Eoche-Bosy, Lionel Renault, Frédéric M Hamelin, and Josselin Montarry
    Ecology and Evolution (2016)
  4. The evolution of plant virus transmission pathways
    Frédéric M Hamelin, Linda JS Allen, Holly R Prendeville, M Reza Hajimorad, and Michael J Jeger
    Journal of Theoretical Biology (2016)
  5. Sharing a resource with randomly arriving foragers
    Pierre Bernhard, and Frédéric Hamelin
    Mathematical Biosciences (2016)


  1. Evolution of dispersal in asexual populations: to be independent, clumped or grouped?
    Samuel Soubeyrand, Ivan Sache, Frédéric Hamelin, and Etienne K Klein
    Evolutionary Ecology (2015)


  1. The functional response predicts the effect of resource distribution on the optimal movement rate of consumers
    Vincent Calcagno, Frédéric Grognard, Frédéric M Hamelin, Eric Wajnberg, and Ludovic Mailleret
    Ecology Letters (2014)
  2. Simple signaling games of sexual selection (Grafen’s revisited)
    Pierre Bernhard, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Journal of Mathematical Biology (2014)
  3. Allee effects and the evolution of polymorphism in cyclic parthenogens
    Magda Castel, Ludovic Mailleret, Didier Andrivon, Virginie Ravigné, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    The American Naturalist (2014)


  1. The hard life of \textirPhytophthora infestans: when trade-offs shape evolution in a biotrophic plant pathogen
    Didier Andrivon, Josselin Montarry, Roselyne Corbiere, Claudine Pasco, Isabelle Glais, Bruno Marquer, JAJ Clément, Magda Castel, and FM Hamelin
    Plant Pathology (2013)


  1. From elaborate to compact seasonal plant epidemic models and back: is competitive exclusion in the details?
    Ludovic Mailleret, Magda Castel, Josselin Montarry, and Frédéric M Hamelin
    Theoretical Ecology (2012)


  1. Seasonality and the evolutionary divergence of plant parasites
    Frédéric M Hamelin, Magda Castel, Sylvain Poggi, Didier Andrivon, and Ludovic Mailleret
    Ecology (2011)


  1. Fitness costs associated with unnecessary virulence factors and life history traits: evolutionary insights from the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans
    Josselin Montarry, Frédéric M Hamelin, Isabelle Glais, Roselyne Corbière, and Didier Andrivon
    BMC Evolutionary Biology (2010)
  2. A differential game theoretical analysis of mechanistic models for territoriality
    Frédéric M Hamelin, and Mark A Lewis
    Journal of Mathematical Biology (2010)


  1. Two-by-two static, evolutionary, and dynamic games
    Pierre Bernhard, and Frédéric Hamelin
    From Semantics to Computer Science: Essays in Honour of Gilles Kahn, Cambridge University Press (2009)


  1. Uncoupling Isaacs equations in two-player nonzero-sum differential games. Parental conflict over care as an example
    Frédéric Hamelin, and Pierre Bernhard
    Automatica (2008)


  1. Jeux dynamiques en écologie du comportement
    Frédéric Hamelin
    PhD dissertation, Univ. Côte d’Azur (2007)
  2. Foraging Under Competition: Evolutionarily Stable Patch-Leaving Strategies with Random Arrival Times. 2. Interference competition.
    Frédéric Hamelin, Pierre Bernhard, A.J. Shaiju, and Éric Wajnberg
    Advances in Dynamic Game Theory, Birkhäuser, Boston (2007)
  3. Foraging Under Competition: Evolutionarily Stable Patch-Leaving Strategies with Random Arrival Times. 1. Scramble competition.
    Frédéric Hamelin, Pierre Bernhard, Philippe Nain, and Éric Wajnberg
    Advances in Dynamic Game Theory, Birkhäuser, Boston (2007)
  4. Diet selection as a differential foraging game
    Frédéric Hamelin, Pierre Bernhard, AJ Shaiju, and Eric Wajnberg
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (2007)
  5. Superparasitism as a differential game
    Frédéric Hamelin, Pierre Bernhard, and Eric Wajnberg
    Theoretical Population Biology (2007)


  1. Optimal patch time allocation for time-limited foragers
    Eric Wajnberg, Pierre Bernhard, Frédéric Hamelin, and Guy Boivin
    Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2006)